Michael Lohan

How it Works

  • How it Works
    Studying with me here on englishexpertonline.com is as straightforward as it sounds. It’s just you and your tutor (me!), online, in real time. Self-study can be set between lessons, but the online sessions are fully supported and interactive, giving maximum flexibility and a totally personalised learning experience.
  • Getting started
    To start we’ll talk (text, email, Google Meet/Zoom or voice) so you can tell me how I can help. I’ll ask you what needs you have and what your objectives are as well as assess your current level. I will then create a plan and timeline and so you can decide if you want to move forward. This consultation is free and without obligation.
  • Individual Study Plan
    From there we’ll create an Individual Study Plan for you. This will include a start date and how often we’ll study, the content of your course, and measurable targets to chart your progress.

    I’ll also send you payment details (bank transfer or Paypal) and we’re ready to begin.
  • Your first lesson
    All lessons are online, using Google Meet/Teams, Zoom or Skype. We’ll already have agreed on your chosen platform, and I’ll send you the link to the lesson before it starts. Please check that your internet is working, and your cam and mic are switched on when we start the lesson. Also, let me know if you’re joining late for any reason.
  • Measuring progress
    I will keep a constant eye on how you’re progressing towards the objectives and outcomes we established in our first meeting. If you need to step things up we’ll have the flexibility to add in extra lessons or more work between lessons. I’ll run regular tasks to check your progress and provide you with detailed feedback on your achievements and areas that still require your attention.

    For all other courses we’ll agree a set of targets at the start of your course and keep checking to see that you’re making good progress. There should never be a time when you think, ‘why are we doing this?’ This isn’t school!
  • Any Questions?
    If there’s anything else you’d like to know about studying with me, just get in touch. I’m always pleased to hear from you.

    Contact me here – for a free, no-obligation consultation.

    Fees: 180 AED per Individual lesson.All lessons are 1 hour in length.

    260 AED for 2 individuals together.

    Fees to be paid in advance, by direct bank transfer or Paypal. Account details and payment instructions will be sent with your booking confirmation.
  • Cancelling a lesson
    Lessons must be cancelled with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice. In this case, a lesson may be rescheduled to a later date. To cancel you should call or WhatsApp me (I’ll give you my number when you book) or email me. Lessons cancelled with less than 24 hours notice cannot be reimbursed.